Friday, August 21, 2015

Storm Siren

Storm Siren

Storm Siren by Mary Weber

Type: book 1 of Storm Siren
POV: 1st person~ Nym
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

*1 Special Snowflake Star*

Here is why (that's right. I made a list)

1. Nym. She feels nothing but pity for herself. She may have awesome powers that control the elements but she is weak. Emotionally. Physically. She has no backbone and people inferior to her walk all over her. The way I see it is this: Someone piss you off? Zap 'em with a lightweight bolt. There is no reason why Nym would let someone like Adora treat her in such a way. AND her inner monologue about the love interest was SO ANNOYING. Plus the moment she lays eyes on the love interest, she decides she has never seen anyone quite as beautiful. Insta-love. *barf*. She also seems to the special snowflake syndrome. All the men fall all over her because of her beauty, and I hate that in a character. She is no badass, but an ignorant coward.

2. Eogan. Now about this love interest. He is NOT swoon worthy. I have no attraction to him whatsoever. He is dull and there is nothing special about him except for his looks. It went a little something like this: She is attracted to him because he is SO handsome. I mean he is just handsome. His dark exotic skin, his beautiful hair and green eyes. Handsome, handsome, handsome. NOOOO. Be more descriptive! We needed to have more scenes with him and Nym that connected us to him and make him likable. Yes we can create a picture in our head, but as readers we fall in love with the characters themselves not looks!! Lack of character depth is another major issue.

3. Nym + Eogan. When they kissed I FELT NOTHING. No butterflies. No chemistry. I think that pretty much sums that up.

4. The lack of world building. The storyline itself has so much potential!! The characters and descriptions just ruined it. The whole concept of the magic was never explained and the High Court was poorly described and explained. I wanted to learn more about the King, and who exactly Nym is fighting for. A lot of things were just thrown at you as a reader, as if you were expected to know everything about the world. It is the author's job to explain the world so that it is not confusing. Yeah a few thing should be left a mystery to be revealed later, but come on, not the whole damn thing.

For anyone still on the fence about this one, I'd say skip it. Now I will continue to rant in the foul mood this book put me in, while I try to find a book to pull me out of this damn reading slump.

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